For every multi-year pledge of 3 years or more to the Swimming & Diving Association, Todd Kaplan ’86 has generously committed to matching one year of that pledge to be put in the Yale Swimming & Diving Excellence Endowment Fund. Follow the steps below to make a qualifying pledge.
How to Make a Multi-Year Pledge
- On the YSDA giving page, enter the dollar amount of your donation.
For a multi-year pledge, this amount will be your TOTAL across the number of installments you specify in Step 2. - Specify Gift Type.
- Select “New Pledge.”
- Select the number of installments you wish to make.
- Select the frequency of those payments.
Example: If you select ‘3’ for Number of Payments, and then select ‘Yearly’ for Frequency of Payment; you will make 1 payment once a year for 3 years.
- Tribute to Frank
At the bottom of the page under “Additional Options” you can fill out Tribute Information where you can elect to tribute in Honor or Memory of the Tributee you choose. - Company Match.
Please check with your company’s matching contribution plan to multiply your impact!
If you have any questions regarding your donation, please contact Siobhan Donofrio ’90, YSDA President, at [email protected] or Roxanne Garceau, Assistant Director of Development, at [email protected].